Respite Connect

Connecting families with Respite providers and resources since 2017. Download the simple solution for locating caregivers. Find support that you can trust, all in one place.

Download The App

Locate Care, Register as a Caregiver, or Browse Resources with the Respite Connect App.


 Locate a provider through our Respite Connect App. Find someone in your local community! Available throughout the US and Canada.


Conveniently generate a list of Respite Providers and events near you, get expert advice, shop from the app, and more!


 Become a Certified Respite Next Door Provider. Our courses will equip you with all the tools and knowledge you need to start a Respite program in your community. Already a provider? Easily register on our app to be listed on the National Respite Directory!



Respite Connect users are thrilled with the impact our app has on their lives!  

“I never knew all the resources that were available until I started using Respite Connect. It’s a must have.” ~ Jackie A.

“I wanted to attend my Grandson’s wedding, but I didn’t have anyone to take care of mom. Mom’s case manager recommended Respite Connect. I was able to find care and get this, the provider lived on our same street! If it wasn’t for Respite Connect I would have defintley missed the Wedding!” ~ Pamela B.

“This app is sooo easy to use. You actually can find local support!” ~ Raquel W.

What is respite care?

Short-term, in-home care for loved ones with disabilities, including degenerative diseases and lifelong conditions. Care can be provided in home, at a healthcare facility or at an adult day center.